5 Common Myths about
Contract Management


What you will find in this guide powered by effacts

Legal departments suffer from the more-with-less syndrome, since they are being asked manage more contracts while maintaining the same level of control, and dealing with rising regulatory and compliance requirements. The demands of information overload put a strain on resources, meaning manual processes aren’t providing them with the insights and convenience they need. This has led legal departments to streamline contract management with the use of web-based software.

  • Myth 1: My contracts aren't going to be secure
  • Myth 2: I can manage my contracts just as successfully with manual processes
  • Myth 3: I won’t have insight into my contracts
  • Myth 4: It will take me longer to access my contracts
  • Myth 5: I won't have control over my contracts

Unveil the myths















Effacts is a secure cloud-based platform that allows legal departments to organize their information with a flexible configuration of modules:

  • Entity Management – track and manage information related to your organization’s legal entities and key officers.
  • Claim Management – track and manage your organization’s cases and outside counsel activities.
  • Compliance Management – track and manage your regulatory compliance requirements and deadlines.

effacts modules


Contract Management

Entity management

Entity Management

Compliance management

Compliance Management